ScreenSkills have developed a learning package to address unconscious bias which is free to access for all those working at any level within the screen industry. Entitled "Addressing unconscious bias: basic awareness in the workplace".
This online module from ScreenSkills is designed to help you understand what unconscious bias is, how it might manifest itself at work and how to challenge your assumptions to promote greater diversity and inclusion.
What exactly is Unconsious Bias however? Monash University state that 'Unconscious or ‘hidden’ bias refers to attitudes and patterns of perceptions that are held subconsciously and can be very ingrained. We all have them.' (ref https://www.monash.edu/about/who/equity-diversity-inclusion/staff/equitable-decision-making/unconscious-bias).
We ensure that all staff who work with us on various locations and events all maintain a comprehensive CDP portfolio relevant to their clinical grade and the ScreenSkills module has been introduced as a compulsory element that must be completed.
People working in the screen industries are in the privileged position of making content that reflects the experiences and shapes the thinking of our audiences. If our unconscious biases go unchecked, we are at risk of only working with people like us and limiting the influence of people from other backgrounds.
All our staff will have completed each year a minimum of 80 hours od CPD in order to maintain their skills, be up to date with treatment and clinical protocols as well as best practice (as relevant to their clinical grade). We have made this package a part of the required training.